Читать книгу An Essay on the State of England. In Relation to Its Trade, Its Poor, and Its Taxes, for Carrying on the Present War Against France онлайн

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The other Fruits of the Earth, as Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plumbs, together with the Herbs and Plants, also the Fowls and Fish taken in this Land, serve rather for our Delight and Food thanTrade. Some Cider we do Export, also Spirits raised by the Distiller both from some of these,and also from many other things.

Fish.On the Sea Coasts we catch great Quantities of Herrings and Pilchards, which we save, and sell in Forreign Markets.

Minerals.Nor is this all the Product of our Earth, whose Womb being big with Treasure longs to be Delivered, and after many Throws brings forth Lead, Tin, Copper, Calamy, Coal, Culm, Iron,Allom, Copperas, and sundry other Minerals, which return us great Treasure from ForreignMarkets whither they are Exported; besides the several Shrubs and Trees that adorn our Fields,among which the Oak, the Ash, and the Elm, are the chiefest, these not only serve in Buildingour Sips, but do also furnish us with Materials wherewith our Arificers make many things fit forForregn Commerce, and it were much to be wisht better care were taken for preserving Timber,lest out Posterities want what we so Prodigally squander away.
