Читать книгу An Essay on the State of England. In Relation to Its Trade, Its Poor, and Its Taxes, for Carrying on the Present War Against France онлайн

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II. The Sheep; whose Golden Fleece being the Primum of our Wollen Manufactures doesthereby Imploy Multitudes of our People, which being of different lengths and finenesses,makes them of different sorts, whereof they afford us a yearly Crop whilst living, and at theirDeaths Bequeath us their Flesh and Skins, the first serves for our Food, and the latter we makefit to be used at home, and Traded with Abroad.

III. Horses; whose Labour is so necessary that we could neither carry on our Husbandry orTrade without them, besides their fitness for War, being the boldest in the World, and for allthese uses are Transported abroad, for the former to our Plantations in the West Indies, for thelatter to some of our Neighbouring Nations; but their Flesh is of no use, their Skins of little, theLeather made thereof is very ordinary, only the longest of their Hair is used in Weaving.

There are many other sorts of Beasts, some whereof require no care in raising, others little, others are more tender, such are the Stag, the Dear, the Rabbit, the Hare, the Fox, the Badger,the Goat, whose Skins are necessary for our Trade, and assist in our Manufactures.
