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As I have shown in my diet book the ingestion of sweets promotes muscular activity and fatigues from bodily exertion are better borne. And this also holds good for our most important muscle the heart. I have seen in my heart patients very good results through the addition of a generous amount of sweets to their ordinary diet. On the other hand, I have, as a rule, observed a weak activity of the heart with my patients in Carlsbad suffering from the graver forms of diabetes who were kept on a diet strictly excluding sweets and starchy food in general. Indeed a weak heart is most frequent in severe diabetes, as in such a condition the sugar ingested cannot be utilized and entirely eliminated in the urine. For this reason I consider it unwise to place severe cases of diabetes on a strict diet and I recommend to them the use of fruit sugar (levulose), which is often well utilized and especially in a case of diabetes with heart-failure I like to do this. Such persons should never be strongly dieted. As the best food for the heart I recommend honey on the base of the above-mentioned observations. Honey is easily digested and assimilated; it is the best sweet food, as it does not cause flatulence and can even prevent it, to a certain extent promoting the activity of the bowels. It can easily be added to the 5 meals a day I recommend in cases of arteriosclerosis and of weak heart. As it would be unwise to leave such a hard-working organ as the heart without any food over the long hours of the night, I recommend heart patients to take before going to bed a glass of water with honey and lemon-juice in it and also to take it when awaking at night (honey dissolves in warm water).
