Читать книгу Old Age Deferred. The causes of old age and its postponement by hygienic and therapeutic measures онлайн

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The most important part herein is taken by the thyroid gland, whose increased activity is followed by an augmentation of the processes of oxidation in the body, whereas its degeneration is followed by a diminution of these processes. When the thyroid gland is degenerated entirely, as in myxœdema, there is also a great diminution of all oxidation processes. There are also cases where the thyroid is only partially altered by the increase of connective tissue, cases called partial myxœdema, and in these cases, accordingly, the diminution of the processes of oxidation does not take place to the same extent as in complete myxœdema.

When we thus find symptoms of old age in young persons, together with, in the most typical cases, a state of decreased oxidation, we have to determine whether or not we are dealing with a degeneration of the thyroid gland. And, indeed, such a condition is before us, for the symptoms we have just mentioned are characteristic of myxœdema.

If complete myxœdema, the highest degree of this condition, is rare, on the other hand the incomplete forms, where the thyroid is only partially replaced by connective tissue, are fairly common.
