Читать книгу A Summer in Maryland and Virginia; Or, Campaigning with the 149th Ohio Volunteer Infantry онлайн

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Companies A and F settled down to routine garrison duty at Fort No. 1. Cooks were detailed and the men assigned to barracks, Co. A occupying the first floor and Co. F the second. The duties of the day after roll call consisted of dress parade and guard mounting. Guard duty, was by detail, two hours on, and four hours off each being held for duty twenty-four hours. Time was given the men for many trips into the city, and this part of our service was very pleasant and safe. Many of our friends from Ohio came to visit us while we were there and brought money, and good things to eat for the boys. Four Companies of the Regiment were assigned to Fort Federal Hill, and Cos. D, K and I at Headquarters in Baltimore. On May 25th several companies were sent to the eastern shore of Maryland, with Headquarters at Salisbury. They had orders to quell the rebellion sympathizers, and to do Provost guard duty at that point, to guard the telegraph lines and to patrol the Bay for smugglers. The author’s service being with Company A, he is more conversant with the movements of the Regiment in which that Company took part. The memory of it all is dim. Like a dream in the night, it is misty and seems to have occurred ages ago. We who were just boys of from fifteen to eighteen years of age at that time, are now the aged and broken veterans, and the youngsters of today look upon us, just as we used to think of the old Revolutionary soldiers, when we were young. But we were having too good a time in Baltimore for it to last. The last opportunity we had to go down town was on the evening of the 4th of July when there was a grand display of fireworks.
