Читать книгу A Summer in Maryland and Virginia; Or, Campaigning with the 149th Ohio Volunteer Infantry онлайн

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In the organization of the National Guard, it was generally understood that it was for state service only. The call for active service came at a time when to go entailed great personal sacrifice of business interests on the part of its members. Farmers with scarcity of help, turned over their work to their wives, who in this time of emergency proved themselves helpmeets indeed, carrying the business of the season thru. A few of the members of the Guard were discontented, and by the help of Southern sympathizers, endeavored to fan this sentiment into a flame, and to induce the men to refuse to enter the service. However, to the credit of the men, after an address, delivered by Governor Brough at Camp Dennison, only one Company of the Guard refused to go, and they were promptly and dishonorably mustered out. The officers of the 149th O. V. I. as re-organized were as follows: Colonel, Allison L. Brown; Lieut. Colonel, Owen West; Major, E. Rozelle; Adjutant, T. Q. Hildebrant; Q. M., D. C. Anderson; Surgeon, W. A. Brown; Assistant Surgeon, B. F. Miesse; Chaplain, W. Morris. Non-commissioned staff: Sgt. Major, George L. Wolfe; Quartermaster Sgt., Austin H. Brown; Commissary Sgt., Edward F. Beall; Hospital Steward, James F. Sproat.
