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Hollister frowned and a puzzled look came into his eyes.

“I don’t see quite what you’re driving at,” he said, a bit shortly; “but go ahead.”

The guard’s pleasant face was flushed. He almost wished he hadn’t promised Jim; but at length, he drew a long breath and took the plunge.

“It’s about Blake,” he said quickly. “Jim tells me he’s been coming in every night and keeping you from your work. I think you ought to know that he isn’t—well, he isn’t quite—a fellow to be trusted. I know, because I caught him cheating in a poker game last spring—a game for money.”

An ominous silence followed. In the light of a near-by street lamp, Hildebrand saw his companion’s lithe figure stiffen and his pleasant face harden.

“Well, is that all?” inquired Hollister at length, in a cold, cutting voice.

“Why, yes,” Hildebrand answered in surprise. “I should think it was enough.”

Hollister was evidently keeping his temper with an effort.

“Entirely too much!” he snapped. “I hope you’re pleased with your attempt to blacken the character of one of my friends. Nice, pleasant occupation, isn’t it, running down a man when he isn’t around to defend himself? However, you’ve had your trouble for your pains. I don’t believe a word of it.”
