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Just then a car came along and Hollister took it. He did his best to forget his regrettable quarrel with Hildebrand, but all the way back to the campus it kept recurring to his mind, bringing with it curious, disturbing little doubts as to whether there might not be something after all in the statements the stalwart guard had made, and which fitted in so patly with Jim Townsend’s petulant outburst.

Consequently, by the time he reached the training table his condition of mind was not enviable. Hildebrand was already in his place and seemed to have recovered completely from his fit of anger; but, though he was pleasant and genial to the others, he paid no attention to Bob, ignoring his existence quietly, but completely.

In spite of the fact that he had brought it on himself, Hollister was hurt by this, and unconsciously his attitude toward Jarvis Blake underwent a change.

As a result of all these wheels within wheels, a sort of damper was thrown over the whole table which was felt by every one, though few understood the cause. They only saw that the jokes fell flat, laughter was forced, or absent altogether, and the resulting silences long drawn out.
