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Hollister’s mind was in a turmoil. Unwilling to believe the worst of Blake, it was impossible not to realize that there must be something underhand about him or two such fellows as Merriwell and Hildebrand would never have said what they had against him.

Bewildered and sick at heart, Bob made his way slowly to his rooms. Jim had gone out for the evening, so that he was alone, and, having tossed hat and overcoat aside, he dropped down in a chair.

At any rate, he did not want to see Blake that night. With this thing on his mind, he could not feel at ease with him, and he would rather not see the man until he had come to some final decision as to what his course would be. All at once he glanced quickly at the clock.

“By Jove!” he exclaimed, springing up. “He’s likely to be here any time.”

Snatching up his coat and hat, he was about to hurry out when he heard the muffled slam of the big entrance door below.

“I’ll bet that’s him now,” he muttered.

The next moment he had switched off the light and hurried into the bedroom, where he softly drew the door partly shut and stood behind it.
