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“They might take you on as an office boy,” suggested Sheridan.

Office boy! There it was again. The same difficulty Willie had been bumping into ever since his graduation. Everybody thought he was fit only to be an office boy. His face grew very dark.

“What’s the use of going to school and studying hard,” he cried, “if all the benefit you get from it is to qualify as an office boy. Why, I could have had a job as an office boy years ago.”

The detective’s face hardened a bit. “I began at the bottom myself,” he said, “and so far as I know, so did every other operative in the service.”

“You don’t understand,” cried Willie. “I don’t mean that I am unwilling to begin at the bottom. But being an office boy is another thing.”

“Not necessarily,” said the detective. “They can’t take anybody into the government Secret Service as an operative until they are sure of his ability and honesty. If you can get a job in the office, you’ll get a chance to show what’s in you. And if you are cut out to be a detective, I don’t know of any better way to get into the United States Secret Service.”
