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At first Willie did not comprehend why he was halted so peremptorily. But when he remembered about his ragged coat and torn cap he understood readily enough. He laughed, and stripping off his coat and cap, said: “No wonder you didn’t know me. I’m the fellow from Pennsylvania that’s visiting Mr. Mercer. He introduced us when I went out and I telephoned you to tell Mr. Mercer I couldn’t get back to supper. Don’t you remember me?”

“Sure I know ye now,” said the watchman, “but whativer be ye doin’ in thim togs?”

“Oh! I gave a newsy some money to get himself a better coat with,” laughed Willie, “and he gave me the old one. I put it on to see how I’d look.”

“Well, it does not improve your appearance,” replied the watchman, “and if ye want to keep out of trouble ye’d better wear it on a clothes hook in your cupboard, so ye had. Whativer happened to your pants, lad?”

“I bumped into an ash can on the sidewalk,” said Willie.

The watchman chuckled. “Look out ye don’t buy no goold bricks,” he said.
