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The trustees may not pay much attention to the teaching of Greek, but they watch the economics and history departments like hawks. A friend of mine, not a professor, told of taking a motor ride with one of these trustees, who referred to a Wharton School professor as “that pizen pup.”

“What ideas of his do you object to?” asked my friend.

“Oh, all kinds of ideas; that Ireland should be free, for example. As near as I can get it, he believes just what my cook believes.”

Said my friend: “You are mistaken about the man. He’s really a lovable fellow; if you knew him you would like him. But, naturally, you don’t meet him. You have an unwritten law—he would have to ask permission of his dean or of the provost before he met you; otherwise he would commit an unthinkable offense.”

“Well,” replied the trustee, “he’s unscientific, and anyhow, he doesn’t get along with the boys.”

My friend said: “But that’s because his curriculum was changed so that he can’t get any boys.”

“Well, anyhow,” said the trustee, “he’s not the calibre of man we want for full professor.”
