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Letters of the Alphabet arranged according to the Abjad [ABJAD], with their respective number. 70 ع‎ 80 ف‎ 90 ص‎ 100 ق‎ 200 ر‎ The Special Attributes or Names of God. على‎ فتاح‎ صمد‎ قادر‎ رب‎ ʿAlī. Fattāḥ. Ṣamad. Qādir. Rabb. The Number of the Attribute. 110 489 134 305 202 The Meaning of the Attribute. Exalted. Opener. Established. Powerful. Lord. The Class of the Attribute. Terrible. Amiable. Terrible. Combined. Terrible. The Quality, Vice, or Virtue of the Letter. Riches. Enmity. Intimacy. Desire. Friendship. The Elements. (ʿArbaʿah ʿAnāṣir.) Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Earth. The Perfume of the Letter. White Pepper. Walnut. Nutmeg. Orange. Rosewater. The Signs of the Zodiac. (Burūj.) Sumbulah. Asad. Mīzān. Ḥūt. Sumbulah. Virgin. Lion. Scales. Fish. Virgin. The Planets. (Kawākib.) Mushtarī. Mirrīk͟h. Shams. Zuhrah. ʿUt̤ārid. Jupiter. Mars. Sun. Venus. Mercury. The Genii. (Jinn.) Kashpūsh. Lat̤yūsh. Kalapūsh. Shamyūsh. Rahūsh. The Guardian Angels. (Muwakkil.) Lumāʾīl. Sarhmāʾīl. Ahjmāʾīl. ʿItrāʾīl. Amwākīl. Letters of the Alphabet arranged according to the Abjad [ABJAD], with their respective number. 300 ش‎ 400 ت‎ 500 ث‎ 600 خ‎ The Special Attributes or Names of God. شفيع‎ تواب‎ ثابت‎ خالق‎ Shafīʿ. Tawwāb. S̤ābit. K͟hāliq The Number of the Attribute. 460 409 903 731 The Meaning of the Attribute. Accepter. Forgiver. Stable. Creator. The Class of the Attribute. Amiable. Amiable. Terrible. Combined. The Quality, Vice, or Virtue of the Letter. Enmity. Sleeplessness. Hatred. Love. The Elements. (ʿArbaʿah ʿAnāṣir.) Fire. Air. Water. Earth. The Perfume of the Letter. White Aloes. Amber. White Aloes. Violet. The Signs of the Zodiac. (Burūj.) ʿAqrab. Dalw. Ḥūt. Jady. Scorpion. Watering Pot. Fish. Goat. The Planets. (Kawākib.) Qamar. Zuḥal. Mushtarī. Mirrīk͟h. Moon. Saturn. Jupiter. Mars. The Genii. (Jinn.) Tashyūsh. Lat̤yūsh. T̤wahyūsh. Dālāyūsh. The Guardian Angels. (Muwakkil.) Amrāʾīl. Azrāʾīl. Mīkāʾīl. Mahkāʾīl.
