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III. As we have already explained, the incantations used by exorcists consist in the recital of either the names or attributes of God, or of certain formulæ which are given in books on the subject. In the Jawāhiru ʾl-K͟hamsah, there were many forms of incantation, but we select the following one to illustrate the subject:—

سبحانك لا اله الا انت رب كل شى و وارثه ورازقه و راحمه‎

Subḥānaka! lā ilāha illā anta! Rabba-kulli-shaiʾin! wa wāris̤ahu! wa rāziqahu! wa rāḥimahu!

Glory be to Thee! There is no deity but Thee! The Lord of All! and the Inheritor thereof! and the Provider therefor! and the Merciful thereon!

This incantation consists of forty-four letters, exclusive of vowel points, as is shown by the following table:—

1 س‎ Sīn 60 2 ب‎ Bā 2 3 ح‎ Ḥā 8 4 ا‎ Alif 1 5 ن‎ Nūn 50 6 ك‎ Kāf 20 7 ل‎ Lām 30 8 ا‎ Alif 1 9 ا‎ Alif 1 10 ل‎ Lām 30 11 هـ‎ Hā 5 12 ا‎ Alif 1 13 ل‎ Lām 30 14 ل‎ Lām 30 15 ا‎ Alif 1 16 ا‎ Alif 1 17 ن‎ Nūn 50 18 ت‎ Tā 400 19 ر‎ Rā 200 20 ب‎ Bā 2 21 ب‎ Bā 2 22 ك‎ Kāf 20 23 ل‎ Lām 30 24 ل‎ Lām 30 25 ش‎ Shīn 300 26 ى‎ Yā 10 27 ء‎ Hamzah 1 28 و‎ Wau 6 29 و‎ Wau 6 30 ا‎ Alif 1 31 ر‎ Rā 200 32 ث‎ S̤ā 500 33 هـ‎ Hā 5 34 و‎ Wau 6 35 ر‎ Rā 200 36 ا‎ Alif 1 37 ز‎ Zā 7 38 ق‎ Qāf 100 39 هـ‎ Hā 5 40 و‎ Wau 6 41 ر‎ Rā 200 42 ا‎ Alif 1 43 ح‎ Ḥā 8 44 م‎ Mīm 40 45 هـ‎ Hā 5 2613

In reciting such an invocation, units are reckoned as hundreds, tens as thousands, hundreds as tens of thousands, and thousands as hundreds of thousands.
