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Hosting such events also raises the profile of host organisations, and counselling activity in that country. This is of interest to all those concerned about counselling’s development including practitioner’s, educators, and government departments (e. g. of health, education, and social affairs), as well as many other stakeholders. International events create enthusiasm and excitement from association’s members, students and partners.
3.11 e-Newsletters
These quarterly e-Newsletters aim to keep members updated on IAC activity and create an opportunity to share items of interest (e. g. counselling stories, articles, news) from around the globe.
If you would like further information on any aspect of our work, please do not hesitate to contact us at: ceo@iac-irtac.org.
Thank You
Borgen, W. A. (2003) Remembering Hans: His ongoing legacy for guidance and Counselling, International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 25, 83–89.
Borgen, W. A. (2006). Counselling and social justice: An international perspective. In C. C. Lee (Ed.). Counselling for social justice (2nd Ed) Austin, TX: Pro-Ed. Inc., 161–180.