Читать книгу The Manufacture of Tomato Products. Including whole tomato pulp or puree, tomato catsup, chili sauce, tomato soup, trimming pulp онлайн

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The Bureau of Chemistry advises very strongly against the practice of having the women who do the inspecting do the trimming also. They contend that inspecting and trimming should be two distinct and separate operations and each should be done by a different set of women. By this method the women on the sorting belt merely pick out all the tomatoes which are imperfect and throw them into receiving boxes which are attached to the framework of the sorting belt by a bracket, there being about four of these boxes to a table—two on each side. One or two women stand at each receiving box, pick out the defective tomatoes from this box, and trim out the bad part, which is dropped into a chute, which directs the material down to a drain underneath the table through which is flowing the waste water from the rotary washer. This stream, properly placed, has sufficient current to carry away the waste matter. The trimmer throws the good part of the tomato back on to the sorting belt. By using this system there is no lugging of boxes or buckets back and forth from the sorting table.
