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Wild Bill was exceedingly glad to hear this, although he made no sign, to that effect.

“We’ve used our bazoos a-plenty,” growled Benner. “Are you going to give me that?” he demanded.

“I’ll give you a piece of my mind, in a minute, if you don’t tell me what you want, and what you think I’ve got,” said Wild Bill, between his teeth.

“Waugh!” chimed in the old trapper, who had been keeping silent only by a great effort. “Ef ye git too rantankerous, I’ll hand ye a fistful of five, with my compliments. We ain’t thieves, we ain’t. We’re pards o’ Buffler Bill’s, an’ no measly, locoed watch manglers aire goin’ ter insult us.”

Old Nomad looked so hostile that Benner cast a look around him as though searching for some of his cowboys.

“What I’m after,” he went on, less truculently, “is a piece of paper with some very important notes on it. I carried the paper under the lid of my watch, and I forgot to remove it when I threw the watch.”

“Tell me what was on the paper,” insisted Wild Bill. “I picked up something that wasn’t addressed or signed, and that might have been dropped by any man, woman or child in Hackamore. You tell me what was on the paper, Benner—this paper that Phelps sent to you—and if it matches what I read, I’ll tell you where the paper is.”
