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She was interrupted by a crash down in the cellar.

“That sounds as if something went off the swinging shelf!” she exclaimed. “Some of Mrs. Mace’s preserves——”

“Those men!” cried Ruth.

“What men?”

“The water men who went down some time ago. I forgot all about them. Maybe they stumbled over something in the dark. I’ll send Uncle Rufus down to see about it.”

Uncle Rufus was summoned from the garage where he had gone to do some polishing on the car which Neale had left temporarily, to go down town for some part that needed replacing.

“Yes’m, Missie Ruth, what is it, please?” asked the faithful old colored man as he bowed his way in.

“Uncle Rufus, two men from the water department went down into the cellar about an hour ago to see about a leak,” explained Ruth. “They must be there yet, for Agnes and I just heard a noise. I wish you’d see if they’re all right and haven’t broken anything.”

“All right, yes’m, missie, I’ll look after ’em.”

Rufus shuffled away, and the sisters, resuming their talk about the coming party, soon heard him returning, muttering to himself the while. In a moment he appeared before the two girls.
