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21. Os Naviculare.—The naviculare, third or small sesamoid, or shuttle bone, is an irregular bone, situated with its long axis transversely, behind and below the os coronae, and behind the os pedis, with both of which it articulates, the articulation of the three forming the so-called coffin joint. The lower surface of this bone is important as it is covered with cartilage, and together form a kind of a pully over which plays the great flexor perforans muscle. The remaining portion of the anterior limb or front leg, will be considered under anatomy of the foot. The navicular bone can be plainly seen on Plate VII, anatomy of the foot.

22. Femur or Thigh Bone.—The os femoris, femur or thigh bone, the largest, thickest, and strongest bone in the body, belongs to the class of long bones, and is placed in a direction obliquely downwards and forwards, articulating with the cup-shaped cavity in the pelvic or hip bones superiorly (or upper), and with the tibia and patella inferiorly (or below). This bone is roughened for the attachment of the powerful muscles of the hip.
