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The periosteum owing to its inelasticity, is, when inflamed, the seat of intense pain; and should any part of it be stripped off, there is every probability of the denuded bone dying and separating.
Contents of Bone.—Red marrow is found in the extremities or near the ends of bones, white marrow is found in the shaft.
Classes of Bones.—Bones are classed as long, flat, and irregular. Long or cylindrical bones are found in the limbs or extremities, and serve as levers and pillars for traveling and to support the body. Descriptively, a long bone is divisible into a center or shaft and two ends or extremities. Flat bones are found where visceral organs need protection. As the shoulder or scapula and ribs, to protect the heart and lungs; pelvic or hip bones, to protect the rectum and urinary and genital organs; also the cranial bones, to protect the vital organ called the brain. Irregular bones are found in the spinal column and in the joints, such as the knee or carpus, hock or tarsus, where great strength is required. They usually possess many angles and indentations, with surfaces for articulation and tendonous attachment, and consist of a thin, dense, external (outer) case of compact bone enclosing cancellated tissue. In proportion to their size they present a much larger extent of articular surface and greater mechanical strength than any other class.