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Besides the following, there are a few other corrections which are so obvious that they scarcely need to be listed.

Page2, note 1, for ragmentary read fragmentary. 10, line 2, (and Index), for Archermoros read Archemoros. 14, note 2, after 202f. add Dar.-Sagl., IV, i, pp. 194 f., list 34 local Olympia. 15, line 6, for Dorian Eleans read Dorian allies, the Eleans. 24, line 27, for 173 A.D. read 173 or 174 A.D. 26, line 27, for archaistic read archaic. 31, lines 8–9, for Papyrus read Papyri; line 20, for Aigira read Aigeira. 46, note 1, line 2, add The Solonian cubit of 444 mm. gives 17.53 inches, the finger .73 inch, which makes Diagoros’ statue 6 feet 1.75 inches tall. 58, note 2, for statues of all read statues by all. 60, note 1, for Vespes read Vespae; note 5, for Koponios read Coponius. 77, line 18, for staute read statue; note 3, line 11, for Encrinomenos read Encrinomenus. 82, lines 14–15, for in and not outside read outside and not inside. 83, line 15, for Svonoros read Svoronos. 84, line 2 (and Index, s. v. Ball-playing), for φανίνδα read φαινίνδα. 96, note 1, line 6, for Hermes read Herakles. 110, line 20, and note 1, line 9 (and Index), for Argeidas read Argeiadas. 128, note 4, for Glyptothek read Glyptothèque. 131, line 12 (and Index, s. v. Praxiteles), for ψελιομένη read ψελιουμένη. 149, note 2, for ξωστήρ read ζωστήρ. 153, line 3, for arms read hands. 166, line 17, for Stronganoff read Stroganoff. 185, lines 4 and 8, and 186, line 3, for Lancelotti read Lancellotti. 188, note 8, line 3, for Perseus read Akrisios. 189, note 1, for Papyrus read Papyri; for Beilage read Beilag. 191, line 21, for eponymous read eponymus. 196, line 25, and 197, note 2, for Θῦμον read Θυμόν. 210, line 5, for αλμα read ἅλμα. 235, note 1, line 2, omit as. 253, line 27, for 1202 read 1204. 265, line 14, for Paunasias read Pausanias. 268, line 26 (and Index, s. v. Nikomachos and Victoria), for sublimine read sublime. 288, line 10 (and Index), for Tenerari read Tenerani. 321, line 29, for inventors read so-called inventors. 327, line 3, for stautes read statues. 341, line 33, last word of line should be δεξιᾷ. 348, line 28, for prothusis read prothysis.