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N.B.—The Catholic Church commands all her children to be present at the great Eucharistic Sacrifice, which we call the Mass, and to rest from servile work, on Sundays and Holy-days.

Secondly—To abstain from flesh on all the days of fasting and abstinence, and on fasting days to eat but one meal.

Thirdly—To confess their sins at least once a year.

Fourthly—To receive the blessed sacrament at least once a year, and that at Easter, viz., between Palm and Low Sundays.

The time appointed in the Archdioceses of Dublin, for complying with the Easter Duty, begins an Ash-Wednesday, and terminates on Ascension Day. They who, without some reasonable cause, neglect this important duty, are liable to be excommunicated whilst living, and when they die, to be deprived of Christian burial, according to the fourth Council of Lateran, can. 21.

Marriage cannot be contracted by persons within the fourth degree of kindred without a dispensation, and if attempted is invalid. Spiritual kindred, contracted by baptism or confirmation, is an impediment.
