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The Manner Of Lay Persons Baptizing An Infant In Danger Of Death.
Take common water, pour it on the head or face of the child, and while you are pouring it, say the following words: "I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
The Roman Calendar
For The Kingdom Of Ireland:
The Feasts and Fasts of the said Kingdom, the Irish Saints, and Patrons of each Diocese; all on their proper days.
The Festivals of the Holy-Days are in small capital Letters.
The Irish Saints are marked in Italic Letters.
The Founders of Religious Orders are marked thus, †
Note.—Ap. signifies Apostle, M. Martyr, B. Bishop, Ab. Abbot, C. Confessor, V. Virgin, D. Diocese.
1 Circumcision of our Lord. 2 Octave of S. Stephen. In the Diocese of Limerick, S.
Munchin. B. and C. 3 Octave of S. John, Apostle and Evangelist. 4 Octave of Holy Innocents. 5 S. Telesphorns, Pope and Martyr. Vigil. 6 Epiphany of our Lord, with an Octave. 7 S.
Kenligerna, Widow., S. Lucian, Martyr 8 S.
Albert. B. of Cashel. S. Appollinaris, B. C. 9 S.
Finan, B. of Lindisfarne. S. Peter of Sebaste, B. C. 10 S. William, B. and C. 11 S. Hyginus, Pope and Martyr. S. Theodosius the Cenobiarch, Ab. 12 S. Arcadius, Martyr. 13 Octave of the Epiphany. 14 S. Hilary, B.C. S. Felix, Priest and Martyr. 15 S. Paul, the first Hermit, S. Maurus, Martyr. 16 S.
Fursey, Ab. S. Marcellus. Pope and Mart. 17 S. Anthony, Ab. 18 Chair of S. Peter at Rome. S. Prisca, V.M. 19 S. Canute, King and M. SS. Maurius, Martha, Audifacis, and Abackum, Martyrs. 20 SS. Fabian and Sabastian, Martyrs. 21 S. Agnes, Virg. & Mar. 22 SS. Vincent and Anastatius, Martyrs. 23 Desponsation, Blessed Virgin Mary S. Emerentiana, V. and Martyr. 24 S. Timothy, Bp. and M. 25 Conversion of S. Paul the Apostle. 26 S. Polycarp, Bp. and M. 27 S. John Chrysostom, Bp. and Confessor. 28 Commemoration of S. Agnes. 29 S. Francis de Sales, Bp. and Confessor. 30 S. Martina. V. and M. S.
Amnichad, Conf. 31 †S. Peter Nolasco, Conf. S.
Aidan, Bp. of Ferns.
Feast of the most holy Name of Jesus, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany.