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Produce the infertile egg. Infertile eggs are produced by hens that have no male birds with them.

The following table shows that the losses of fertile eggs are computed to be nearly twice as great as in the case of infertile eggs.

Fertile Eggs Infertile Eggs Per cent Per cent On the farm 29.0 15.5 At country store 7.1 4.0 Transportation to packing house 6.4 4.7 Total 42.5 24.2

Marketing the Product


The hen’s greatest egg-producing periods are the first, second, and third years, depending upon the breed. The heavier breeds, such as Plymouth Rocks, may be profitably kept for two years; the lighter breeds, such as Leghorns, three years.

Market white-shelled and brown-shelled eggs in separate packages. Eggs irregular in shape, those which are unusually long or thin-shelled, or which have shells otherwise defective, should be kept by the producer for home use, so that breakage in transit may be reduced as much as possible.

Uniform products command the best prices. Standard-bred fowls produce uniform products.
