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A shipment of eggs on the railroad station platform, exposed to the sun.

Candling eggs for quality.



A capon is an unsexed male bird, which when mature is of larger size and more desirable for eating than cockerels or cocks.

A Buff Orpington cock.

A Buff Orpington capon.

By following directions and with a little practice, poultrymen will find caponizing a simple operation. For detailed information on caponizing, request Farmers’ Bulletin 849.

Boys caponizing a cockerel.

Lice and Mites


The free use of an effective lice powder is always advisable. A dust bath, consisting of road dust and wood ashes, is essential in ridding fowls of lice.

Sodium fluorid, a white powder which can be obtained from druggists, is also effective. Apply a pinch of the powder at the base of the feathers on the head, neck, back, breast, below the vent, base of tail, both thighs, and on the underside of each wing.

An effective remedy for lice on chicks is a small quantity of melted lard rubbed under the wings and on top of the chick’s head.
