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“But it’s idiotic!”

“Absolutely idiotic, but we do such a lot of idiotic things in this life…. One more or less, you know!…”

I sat down to this silly work and wrote out the first letters:

Take no….

I broke off in surprise:

“Words!” I exclaimed. “Two English words meaning….”

“Go on, old chap.”

And I went on and the next letters formed two more words, which I separated as they appeared. And, to my great amazement, a complete English sentence lay before my eyes.

“Done?” asked Lupin, after a time.

“Done!… By the way, there are mistakes in the spelling….”

“Never mind those and read it out, please…. Read slowly.”

Thereupon I read out the following unfinished communication, which I will set down as it appeared on the paper in front of me:

Take no unnecessery risks. Above all, avoid atacks, approach ennemy with great prudance and….

I began to laugh:

“And there you are! Fiat lux! We’re simply dazed with light! But, after all, Lupin, confess that this advice, dribbled out by a kitchen-maid, doesn’t help you much!”
