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ssss1 See p. viii. of Gyll's version: "Dedicated by Cervantes, to his Excellency Don Joseph Moniño, Count of Florida Blanca, Knight of the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of K. Charles III." The fact is, of course, that Gyll translated from Los seis libros de Galatea, reprinted in 1784 by Antonio de Sancha with a dedication to Floridablanca. The words—"Dedicated by Cervantes"—are interpolated by Gyll. Floridablanca died in 1808, nearly two hundred years after Cervantes.

ssss1 Evidently a misprint for Silena.

ssss1 In justice to Gyll, the polemist, I reprint his two letters contributed to Notes and Queries (May 25, 1861, and July 27, 1861):—

(a) "A STATIONER writes his remarks on the subject of some alterations on lapidary inscriptions in Wraysbury Church: and pray, Sir, by what right does this tradesman ask any family why they choose to change a monumental reading, provided nothing is inserted which militates against truth?

What has the world to do with family arrangements? And whether is the article to be taken for a charge or a lament? I only wish this busy citizen to employ his time more profitably—while I wonder that any periodical should condescend to introduce the subject, without notice being given to members of the family, and an inquiry made. If they had reasons good for it, what on earth does the public care about it? Certain words on certain monuments were not approved by a county family, and they were omitted: and lo! a citizen rises to impeach the proprietary of it. The case stands thus, Monument No. 1:
