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The upper end of the aluminum tube is very close to the pendulum hook and is also provided with a bushing, P, ssss1. This bushing is permanently connected at the upper end of the aluminum tube with a steel tube, R, 16 mm. in diameter and 1 mm. in thickness. The outer steel tube is the only one that is visible and it supports the bob, the lower part being furnished with a fine thread on which the regulating nut, O, is movable, at the center of the bob.

For securing a central alignment of the steel rod, S, at its lowest part, where it is pivoted, a bushing, M, ssss1, is screwed into the steel tube, R. The lower end of the steel tube, R, projects considerably below the lenticular bob (ssss1); and is also provided with a thread and regulating weight, G (ssss1, of 100 grammes in weight, which is only used in the fine regulation of small variations from correct time.

The steel tube is open at the bottom and the index at its lower end is fastened to a bridge. Furthermore all three of the bushings, P, T and M, have each three radial cuts, which will permit the surrounding air to act equally and at the same time on the steel rod, S, the aluminum tube. A, and the steel tube, R, and as the steel tube, R, is open at its lower end, and as there is also a certain amount of space between the tubes, the steel rod, and the radial openings in the bushings, there will be a draught of air passing through them, which will allow the thin-walled tubes and thin steel rod to promptly and equally adapt themselves to the temperature of the air.
