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Mercury has one deficiency which, however, is not serious, except for the severe conditions of astronomical observatories. It will oxidize after long exposure to the air, when it must be strained and a fresh quantity of metal added and the compensation freshly adjusted. To an astronomer this is a serious objection, as it may interfere with his work for a month, but to the jeweler this is of little moment as the rates he demands will not be seriously affected for about ten years, if the jars are tightly covered.

To construct a reliable gridiron pendulum would cost about fifty dollars while a mercurial pendulum can be well made and compensated for about twenty-five dollars, hence the popularity of the latter form.

Zinc will lengthen under severe variations of temperature as the following will show: Zinc has a decided objectionable quality in its crystalline structure that with temperature changes there is very unequal expansion and contraction, and furthermore, that these changes occur suddenly; this often results in the blending of the zinc rod, causing a binding to take place, which naturally enough prevents the correct working of the compensation.
