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The precision with which the measurements are carried out is so great that the error in compensation resulting from a possible deviation from the true value of the co-efficient of expansion, as ascertained by the Reichsanstalt, does not amount to over ± 0.0017; and, as the precision with which the compensation for each pendulum may be calculated absolutely precludes any error of consequence, Mr. Riefler is in a position to guarantee that the probable error of compensation in these pendulums will not exceed ± 0.005 seconds per diem and ± 1° variation in temperature.

A subsequent correction of the compensation is, therefore, superfluous, whereas, with all other pendulums it is necessary, partly because the coefficients of expansion of the materials used are arbitrarily assumed; and partly because none of the formulæ hitherto employed for calculating the compensation can yield an exact result, for the reason that they neglect to notice certain important influences, in particular that of the weight of the several parts of the pendulum. Such formulæ are based on the assumption that this problem can be solved by simple geometrical calculation, whereas, its exact solution can be arrived at only with the aid of physics.
