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By this time old Harrison, Colonel Lloyd’s faithful and credulous servant from “Wye,” became so much excited that he jumped up and shouted, “Yas, Lawd, cum down an cut he tail clean orf,” whereupon Uncle Stephen arose, patting his hands, and singing:


Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel,

D’liver Daniel, d’liver Daniel,

Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel,

And why not a every man?

He deliver’d Daniel from the lion’s den,

Jonah from the belly of the whale,

And the Hebrew children from the fiery furnace,

And why not every man?

Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel,

D’liver Daniel, d’liver Daniel,

Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel,

And why not a every man?

The wind blows East, and the wind blows West,

It blows like the judgment day,

And every poor soul that never did pray,

’Ll be glad to pray that day.


The singing over, Parson Demby announced—“Befo’ goin’ I wan’ ter say dat de deacons is so ’stressed ober ’mersion dey has ’cided ter hold uh rebate in de Zion Chuch fo’ weeks fum nex’ Chusday, an’ de subjec’ chusin will be, ‘Ef’n uh man er woman hab salbation in deah hyarts, will dey be feared ter babtiz wha shirks is?’ Ef’n hits ’cided hits dangersome, salbation er no salbation, I hope dis congation will git somebody’s ice pon’, an’ ef’n dey kyant do no better, somebody’s big hoss trough fuh de ’mersions.
