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Add to a quart of green peas a teaspoonful of sugar and enough water to cover; cook gently until tender, and the water quite absorbed. Then rub through a colander, add a quart of milk, salt to taste, and return to the fire. Heat to boiling, then add a spoonful of flour, mixed smooth with a little butter, then to a thin paste with a little of the soup. Simmer for a few minutes, and serve with croutons. If desired, a little onion or celery may be added for seasoning during the last few minutes of cooking, and then be removed.



Wash one cupful of dried, split peas, and soak for several hours, or overnight, in cold water. Then put to cook in three pints of cold water, and boil slowly until thoroughly dissolved, adding more water occasionally to keep the quantity good. Stir up frequently from the bottom of the kettle. Rub through a colander; add water or rich milk to make the proper consistency, and return to the fire. Brown slightly one tablespoonful of flour in a tablespoonful of butter or cooking oil, then thin it with a few spoonfuls of the hot soup; stir this into the boiling soup, with salt to taste; simmer for ten minutes, and serve. An onion chopped fine and browned with the flour may be used for seasoning; also a cupful of tomatoes may be cooked with the peas before straining, if desired.
