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“I give you best,” said he, without the least emotion in his extraordinary voice.

“Fold your arms and come down,” said the man with the rifle, his finger on the trigger.

Flint did as he was ordered.

“The same you with the reins.”

Edmonstone’s only answer was a stupefied stare.

“Jump down, my friend, unless you want helping with this.”

Dick obeyed apathetically; he was literally dazed. At a sign from the man with the rifle he took his stand beside Flint; three paces in front of the luckless pair shone the short barrel of the Winchester repeater. The other robber had dismounted, and was standing at the horses’ heads.

In this position, a moment’s silence fell upon the four men, to be broken by the coarse, grating laughter of a fifth. Edmonstone turned his head, saw another horseman issuing from the trees, and at once recognised the burly figure of the traveller who had borrowed his match-box less than an hour before. At that moment, and not until then, Dick Edmonstone realised the situation. It was desperate; all was lost! The lad’s brain spun like a top: reason fled from it; his hand clutched nervously at the pocket where the money was, and he swore in his heart that if that went, his life might go with it.
