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“You come along with me,” said he, quietly; and drew Dick aside, pointing at him the rifle, which he grasped across the breech, with a finger still upon the trigger.

“Now,” continued Sundown, when they had withdrawn a few yards into the scrub, “turn out that pocket.” He tapped Edmonstone on the chest with the muzzle of the rifle.

Dick folded his arms and took a short step backward.

“Shoot me!” he exclaimed, looking the robber full in the face. “Why did you save me a minute ago? I prefer to die. Shoot me, and have done with it.”

“Open your coat,” said the bushranger.

Edmonstone tore open not only his coat, but his shirt as well, thus baring his chest.

“There. Shoot!” he repeated hoarsely.

Sundown stared at the boy with a moment’s curiosity, but paid no heed to his words.

“Empty that pocket.”

Dick took out the pocket-book that contained all the funds of the firm.

“Open it.”

Dick obeyed.

“How much is in it?”

“A hundred and thirty pounds.”

“Good! Cheques!”

“More notes.”

The robber laughed consumedly.
