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“I don’t think Dick means to go back,” said the Colonel cheerily. “That would be treating us all abominably; in fact, we could never allow it eh, Dick?”

Dick looked gravely at the carpet.

“I mean to settle down in England now,” said he; and he could not refrain from a sly glance at Alice. Her eyes, bent thoughtfully upon him, instantly filled with mischief.

“You mean to stay at home, yet sketch the ends of the earth; is that it?” Her tone changed swiftly to one of extreme kindness. “Well, it would be dreadful if you didn’t stop at home now. Whatever you do—” (he changed colour; she added calmly), “think of Mrs. Edmonstone and Fanny!”

A little later, Alice and her father told Dick all the news of themselves that they could think of how they had been in Italy last year, and in Scotland the year before, and how they had taken a shooting-box in Yorkshire for this year. And Alice’s manner was very courteous and kindly, for she was beginning to reproach herself for having been cruel to him on this his first evening, and to wonder how she could have had the heart. She asked him if he had forgotten how to dance, and said he must begin learning over again at once, in order to dance at her ball her very own party on the second of July.
