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“For what I said just now—” (rapidly) “for everything I have said since I saw you first, last night. And I want to say if you will still have it let us be friends.”

Her face instantly brightened; every trace of affectation vanished; she smiled gratefully upon him.

“Ah, that is sense!” said she.

“But,” said Dick, still more earnestly, “there are two questions I do think I may ask, though whether you will answer them—”

“I will,” the girl exclaimed rashly.

“Well, then, the first is, have you taken a dislike to me a new one? Don’t laugh,” he said, colouring; “I mean it. It is so possible, you know. I have led a rough life; you might easily be ashamed of the things I had to do, to make my way at first; you might easily think me less polished, less gentlemanly: if it is that, I implore you to say so.”

She could scarcely keep grave; even he might have smiled, but for the question he had still to ask.

“No, it is not that; to my mind you are just the same.”

Dick drew a deep breath of relief.

“The second question may offend you; if it does well, it can’t be helped. I think my old footing even though you were a child then is sufficient excuse for it. It is, then and, indeed, you must grant me an honest answer do you love another man?”
