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“And it is not that,” said Alice shortly, nevertheless looking him full in the face.

A great load was removed from his heart.

“Then it is only,” he said eagerly “only that you wish to cancel the past? really only that?”

“Really only that,” she repeated with a smile.

“Then,” added Dick, hope rekindling in his heart, “may I never that is, won’t you hold out to me the least faint spark?”

“I think you had better leave well alone,” said Alice; and she stepped lightly from the boat as she spoke. “Now I must go in. Will you come, too?”

“No; I must say good-bye.”

“Really? Then good-bye, Dick.” Another sweet smile as she stretched out her hand. “And come as often as ever you can; you will always be welcome.”

He watched her slim form tripping daintily across the grass.

“Ay, I will come!” he muttered between his teeth; “and I shall win you yet, Miss Caprice, though I have to begin all over again. To start afresh! How could I have borne the thought yesterday? Yet to-day it must be faced. This minute I give up looking back, and begin to look forward. And it may be better so; for when I win you, as win you I shall, you will be all the dearer to me. I might not have valued you as I ought who knows? You do not deny me hope; I shan’t deny it to myself. You shall be mine, never fear. For the present, have your wish we are only friends.”
