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There were two principal species of Apes at this time, the Ammi, who afterwards became known as men, and the Lali, who were the enemies of the Ammi on the other side of the swamp; and, though there had come to be marked differences between the two, (of which we shall presently speak,) they were, at this time, both living together as Apes (the Man-Apes of Biology), and were alike interested in ridding the country of the stronger beasts.

A council was, accordingly, called to take measures for their common welfare. In this council they gave their respective views without those formalities which now attend such gatherings. They spoke mainly in gestures and growls, which constituted all there was of language then, (articulate speech not having been developed beyond a few broken sounds). One, Shamboo, believed to be the great-grandfather of Sosee, was the acknowledged leader of the Apes, and he directed the deliberations of this assembly. Speaking in the manner indicated, this Ape harangued the multitude to the following effect:
