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“But I am going out to a case in half an hour,” said Nurse Ives. “I am packing my things now—it is a bad case. A child has been burnt, and they have sent for me.”

“Somebody else must attend to it. I want you,” said Tarbot.

“What for?”

“Another case—one of life or death.”

“What do you mean?”

“Have I ever spoken to you of little Piers Pelham, the present owner of the Pelham estates?”

“What, the child who comes between Richard Pelham and the baronetcy?” said the nurse eagerly.

“The same.”

“Yes, I have heard of him; he is a delicate child. What of him?”

“If you undertake his case he runs a chance of being a dead child soon.”

“Now what does this mean?”

“It means that I want to revenge a wrong, and the tool is young Piers Pelham. Do you follow me?”

“Not at present, but I shall soon,” answered the woman. Then she continued:

“What is the matter with the boy?”

“At present,” said Tarbot, speaking very slowly, “he is quite well, but within a few days he will be ill. I shall send for you; you will nurse him.”
