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On a certain evening, about a week after the events related in the last chapter, Luke Tarbot, when he entered his house in Harley Street, found a note awaiting him. It was from 12 Ashley Mansions, and ran as follows:

“Dear Luke,—I wish you would look round as soon as possible. That new medicine you have given Piers does not suit him. He is feverish and unwell. The nurse has kept him in bed to-day. He is not the least like himself. I feel strangely anxious.

“Yours very truly,

“Marion Pelham.”

Having read the note Tarbot went into his dining-room and rang the bell. His servant answered his summons.

“Have dinner served at once, Peters,” said his master.

The man withdrew, and a few moments later the doctor was enjoying an exquisitely cooked meal. He was an epicure and always ate deliberately.

Having finished and enjoyed the refreshment of a cigar, he put on his overcoat and went to Ashley Mansions. The door was opened by a footman in the Pelham livery. The doctor asked for Mrs. Pelham.

“My mistress is in the drawing-room, sir. She has been looking out for you very anxiously, Dr. Tarbot.”
