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“You may be a great king, or autocrat, or whatever you like to call it,” said Tarbot, “but you have got to obey me now because I am your doctor. Nurse, I must speak to you. I will see you afterwards in the drawing-room, Mrs. Pelham.”

The doctor and the nurse left the room. The nurse was absent about five minutes. She came back looking quiet and calm. She went and stood by little Piers’s bed. The mother was at the other side.

“I think the doctor would like to speak to you, madam,” said the nurse.

Mrs. Pelham left the room. She went down-stairs. Tarbot was waiting for her, standing with his back to the mantelpiece. As soon as Mrs. Pelham came in he began to speak.

“I don’t like the condition of the child.”

She clasped her hands, and a look of terror came into her face.

“I have discovered that there is real cardiac mischief.”

“What is that?” asked Mrs. Pelham.

“The child’s heart is seriously affected.”

The mother uttered a cry.

“I shall call in Dr. Williamson to-morrow. He is a great authority on such cases. We must take his advice.”
