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She dipped in her finger and tasted the dregs.

“It is queer,” she said. “I wonder what is the matter with it. It ought not to taste like this.”

She went out of the room, closing the door after her.

Pelham paid no heed to her words. He was not thinking about the medicine, he was disturbed and anxious about Piers.

After a time the child dropped off to sleep again, and then the young man stole to the door.

“I am going away now, nurse,” he said. “I’ll look in to-morrow.”

Pelham went down-stairs. The drawing-room door was open. Mrs. Pelham stood on the threshold.

“Well, Dick, well?” she said eagerly. “What do you think of him?”

“I think he is rather bad, if you ask me,” said Pelham. “There is a great change in him. If I were you I’d call in other advice.”

“That is what Luke thinks. He said we ought to have another doctor. I am afraid he thinks badly of the case.”

“I’d have in another doctor, and take him out of Tarbot’s hands,” said Dick.

“What, give up Dr. Tarbot, the child’s guardian! Dick, you are talking nonsense.”
