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Nurse Ives sat motionless by his side for a couple of hours. At the end of that time she went up to a wicker-work trunk which stood in a corner of the room. It was a trunk of somewhat novel shape, being longer than those usually employed. She opened it, and took out an electrical apparatus. She put this in order, and applied a powerful current to the child, placing one pole at the side of the neck, and the other over the heart. In a few moments little Piers opened his eyes slowly, and gazed up at his nurse with a tranquil expression.

“I have had a nice sleep,” he said.

She smiled at him, bent forward, and kissed him.

“You must have some nourishment before you go to sleep again,” she said.

She put away the electrical apparatus, returning it to its place in her wicker-work trunk. She then heated some beef-tea and brought it to the child’s bedside.

“Drink it off, dear,” she said. The child drank it greedily.

“You did put me into a nice sleep,” he exclaimed.

“Yes, am I not a wonderful woman? Now go to sleep again, little one, and I will sit by you. But listen to me, Piers—you are not to tell anybody about my secret.”
