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“That goes without saying,” answered Dick. “But excuse me, Dr. Tarbot, I can scarcely understand——”

“My object in taking any trouble in the matter?” continued Tarbot. “It never occurred to you, did it, that there might be such a thing as disinterested love?”

“You are not the man to do anything noble without an object.”

“You are unfair to me, Pelham, and I shall prove to you that you are in the wrong. Mrs. Evershed’s difficulties are most serious. Between her and ruin there is but a step. Now, it so happens that I can help her.”

“You can help her—how?”

“By the loan of a sufficient sum of money to put her straight with her creditors for a considerable time.”

“Then for Heaven’s sake do it, Tarbot. It would be a generous action.”

“And why, according to your own showing, should Luke Tarbot be the man to do a generous action?” asked the doctor.

Again Pelham was silent. Tarbot took a step forward. Pelham looked him full in the eyes.

“You want to say something. Say it quickly,” he cried. “To be frank with you, Tarbot, there are some men whom I like, and some——”
