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“Nonsense or not, if the boy were mine I’d do it,” said Pelham. “I don’t like Tarbot. I never pretended to. I don’t like that nurse either.”

“But Dr. Tarbot says she is the very best nurse on his staff.”

“All the same I don’t like her. I’d have somebody else, and I’d have a new doctor. That is my advice, but of course you won’t take it.”

“I couldn’t, my dear Dick. I couldn’t offend Dr. Tarbot. It would be madness. Oh, what a confused, helpless state I feel in—my darling child, my only one! You don’t think that he is in danger?”

“Oh, I don’t go so far as that,” said Pelham. “I’ll call in again in the morning, and I’ll send Barbara round.”

“He loves Barbara, he would like to see her,” said Mrs. Pelham. “Give my love to her, Dick. Dick, is it true—are you engaged to Barbara?”

“Yes, worse luck,” was the reply.

“Why do you say worse luck?”

“Because we cannot marry. I am as poor as a church mouse, and she has nothing. But there, Mrs. Pelham, I am a selfish brute to talk of my own affairs just now. I hope little Piers will be better in the morning. Good night.”
