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Mrs. Pelham sat down on the nearest chair and burst into tears.

“You might send for the child’s cousin,” said Tarbot.

“What cousin?”

“Dick Pelham—he is fond of him. Anything reasonable ought to be granted to the boy at present.”

Mrs. Pelham started up. “Dick shall come at once,” she cried.

“That is right. I’ll call round in the morning.”

Tarbot left the house. Mrs. Pelham sent a hurried messenger for Dick. He arrived within an hour.

“Why, Mrs. Pelham!” he exclaimed, bursting into the room, “what sad news is this? What is the matter with Piers?”

“He is ill, Dick. The doctor says it is quite serious.”

“Do you mean that Tarbot says so?”

“Yes, of course I mean Dr. Tarbot. He always attends little Piers when he is ill. He is his guardian, you know, Dick, or perhaps you have forgotten. I hope you didn’t mind my sending for you—the little fellow has been calling for you all day.”

“I am delighted you sent for me. I’ll go up to the boy at once.”

Pelham ran up-stairs. Piers with a flushed face was arguing with Nurse Ives. Nurse Ives was making few replies. She was sitting quietly by the child. Her eyes were fixed steadily on his face. Little Piers turned away from the bright glassy look in her eyes, then, as if fascinated, he looked back at her. Dick’s entry into the room made a diversion.
