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“The assistance rendered me by the gentlemen superintending the various departments of the tunnel work, materially contributed to this result, and I gratefully acknowledge their uniform courtesy and promptitude in forwarding my undertaking. Your own constant attendance at the engineer’s office permitted me almost daily to submit my plans, which therefore met no delay in being subjected to the scrutiny of the engineer in charge, who as promptly reported on them.
“On the 2d of January, 1868, I moved up to the works and on the following day tested the apparatus by manufacturing, and although somewhat delayed by the necessity of drying the plastering in the magazine, and introducing suitable heating apparatus to maintain a moderate temperature during this inclement season, (a neglect of which precaution remotely led to the Bergen accident) yet to-day we have a supply of Nitro-Glycerin, properly and safely stored, ready for use. Samples of this have been duly tested for its explosive force by the engineer in charge and his assistant, giving satisfaction as to its tremendous power, and facility of explosion, with a peculiar fuse and exploder. You may therefore rely on a regular supply as needed, and I submit that a month’s consumption be kept on hand, in order that it may free itself from adherent water, which, except other means be used to free it, does not separate for about ten days. Freed from this obstinately adhering moisture, it is safer and more effective for blasting purposes.