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“The Glycerin will occasion to some persons, if they are exposed to it in a particular manner, a headache[2] for an hour or two, while others are not thus affected. Our men have made very little complaint in this respect, and indeed there has been no difficulty experienced in introducing this new and powerful explosive among men who never before have used anything but powder.

“It was some time ago demonstrated by experiment, that double progress could be made with Glycerin over that made with powder at less cost. This is a wonderful achievement and its effect upon the prospect of this work, in regard to its early completion at reasonable cost cannot but be good. It is true that the experiment was limited to a shorter time by reason of the small supply of electrical fuses and Nitro-Glycerin than could have been wished, and that my views may upon further experience be modified or changed even, but with what information I now have there is no room to doubt its fitness for our purpose. It is the testimony of all who have seen our work, including Mr. Revey, George Berkeley of London, C. E., Dr. Erhardt of London, Colonel Shaffner, and others familiar with tunnelling, that while our rock is not in general harder to drill than many others, it is most persistently tough. That is, the number of charges we fire, if they could be in granite or lime or in any brittle stone, would bring out two or three times more of debris than now. It is therefore necessary that we should have the quickest explosive to get the best result. As preparations of mercury are not to be thought of on account of their danger, we take Nitro-Glycerin as being next in power, while it is comparatively safe. Whenever its extensive use shall be concluded upon it will be necessary to secure the services of some scientific person expert in handling it, that some antidote against headache may be discovered, and that the risk may be reduced to the lowest possible point. Bulk for bulk, which is the only useful comparison to be made here, Nitro-Glycerin is eight times more powerful than common powder.”
