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“While it is important to save the time which can be saved by this process in firing, and to reduce the risk of accident, and to avoid the smoke made by the burning of the common fuse, it is much more important to the progress that simultaneity of firing be secured. If charges in adjoining holes can be fired as though but one charge, then they help each other and much more rock will be torn away. The whole top may be thrown down or the bottom brought up by proper arrangement of holes, and by means of a ring of converging holes the center may be dragged out. The passage of the electric spark through one system of wires occupies practically no appreciable time, while through several systems it may. If the charges in adjoining holes are fired with the interval of an instant, it may just as well be a week so far as the tearing of the rock is concerned.

“The number of fuses obtained was so small that their influence upon progress is hardly appreciable, except possibly at the Central Shaft.

“Under the direction of Colonel Shaffner, experiments have been tried at the West Shaft with Nitro-Glycerin. The article used was imported from Europe, and much time was consumed in ordering, shipping, and passing it through the custom house. In these experiments Colonel Shaffner has been eminently successful. No accident has resulted, and indeed there seems to be comparatively little risk if the article is good and ordinary care is taken in its use.
