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The bewitching venome conteined in the bodie of an harlot, how hir eie, hir toong, hir beautie and behavior bewitcheth some men: of bones and hornes yeelding great vertue. pag. 304.

Two notorious woonders and yet not marvelled at. pag. 305.

Of illusions, confederacies, and legierdemaine, and how they may be well or ill used. pag. 307.

Of private confederacie, and of Brandons pigeon. ssss1.

Of publike confederacie, and whereof it consisteth. pag. 309.

How men have beene abused with words of equivocation, with sundrie examples thereof. pag. 309.

How some are abused with naturall magike, and sundrie examples therof when illusion is added thereunto, of Jacobs pied sheepe, and of a blacke Moore. pag. 311.

The opinion of witchmongers, that divels can create bodies, & of Pharaos magicians. pag. 312.

How to produce or make monsters by art magike, and why Pharaos magicians could not make lice. pa. 313.

That great matters may be wrought by this art, when princes esteeme and mainteine it: of divers woonderfull experiments, and of strange conclusions in glasses, of the art perspective, &c. ssss1.
